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Tutorials and Examples for API

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Welcome to the Apis

The APIs allows you to programmatically access content from cameras on For example, with the API you can write a ruby program to build a time-lapse from your camera images, or extract motion trends across several weeks. The first paragraph consists of a quick start guide. The second introduces a couple of examples and tries to explain the guiding principles behind the Apis and how to better leverage them.

We always welcome feedback, please send your feedback regarding our Apis to developers At


The Sensr API uses the OAuth 2.0 Protocol for authentication and authorization. So the first thing we'll ask to do is to get an OAuth2 token. The API is restful and mostly self documented. The API cross-links with URL between different resources and the top level API entry point always documents all resources available to the developer. The API returns JSON and partial ruby binding are provided as a gem.

Quick Start Guide

This is a 5 minute guide that should get you started and running quickly. You will need an account on to get access to your Api keys. You will also need to have the curl command line tool installed in your environment.

Get an Oauth token

First, login to your account and navigate to New Api Client Registration Then create a new api client, you will be asked to fill out a form with the following elements:

FieldWhat is it?Example
Application (client) NameThe name of you application or clientMyTestClient
Main URLThe link to your site
Callback URLThe url your users are redirected to after login in

Assuming everything went well, you should now be seeing you api client ID and client secret, as well as one API token. A New Api Client Keys

Test the API with Curl

If you have the command line tool curl installed, it's easy to get a first taste of the API. If you don't jump to the next section that introduces the API sandbox. Grab the OAuth token from your Developer Applications tab. Now start a terminal and run the following command (make sure to replace the token by a valid one):

curl -i -X GET -H "Authorization: OAuth MY_OAUTH_TOKEN" \

Make sure you use your Aouth token from your tab (not the one displayed in the example). You should get a json document in response. The API call to cameras/owned.json returns an array of cameras you own. Assuming you have cameras (active or inactive) on your account, you should be getting something like this: Example cameras/owned.json

The API sandbox

At, we use the excellent API documentation tool Swagger. Swagger is a specification and framework implementation for describing, producing, consuming, and visualizing RESTful web services. The easiest way to access your API sandbox, is to head over to you developers applications page. Look for a API Documentation link on the upper corner of the web page. API Sandbox

Ruby Bindings

This is a three step guide that should get you started and running (in ruby) quickly. You will need an account on to get access to your Api keys.

Install the gem

Run the following commands to install the official gem.

        gem install sensr
Make sure the gem is installed correctly:

        yacin@mac temp]$ irb
        >> require 'sensr'
        => true
        >> quit

Get your OAuth token

Refer to this previous section to get an Oauth token.


Grab the OAuth token from the "Developer application" page and save the code below in a ruby file sensr_api_test.rb. Make sure you replace the MY_API_TOKEN before running the script with ruby sensr_api_test.rb.

        require 'rubygems'
        require 'sensr'
        Sensr.oauth_token = 'MY_API_TOKEN'

        cams = Sensr::Camera.owned
        cams.each {|c| puts  "camera: " + c.attributes["id"].to_s + ' ' + c.attributes["name"] + ' ' + c.attributes["accessibility"] }


You will find several short ruby programs under the examples directory.